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Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA)

AREA partnered with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to introduce a new approach that farmers can use to adapt to climate change — called Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA). AREA trained CRS farm advisers to use PICSA. Then they went to rural areas to teach farmers to use PICSA concepts and critical information and decision-making tools to increase their resilience.

Follow the links to download training materials:  

PICSA graphs are available for the following locations: Kenscoff, Les Cayes and Jérémie. Please select the  climate graphs for your specific location to ensure that the farmers make decisions based on accurate rainfall data for their location. For Kenscoff, the closest station is Damien.

If you have questions about the graphs or any of the training materials, contact Dr. Caroline Staub at